Alopecia: Alopecia is a dermatological condition which is characterized by excessive hair loss. The hair may shed steadily over a long period of time, such as in male or female pattern hair loss. In some cases, like with Alopecia Areata, the hair may be lost in patches and occur rather quickly on the scalp. In other cases, as seen with Alopecia Universalis, the entire body may lose all it’s hair.
Trichotillomania: Classified as a psychological condition, Trichotillomania creates a desire in the patient to pull out his own hair. This constant tearing out of one’s own hair can damage the hair follicles in the scalp, permanently destroying the scalp’s ability to grow hair.
Male and female patterned baldness: Factors such as age, hormones, and pollution often result in hair thinning as time passes. Hair fall is mild but continuous.